Without tying you into any contract or long term agreement TYFH create engaging and one-off, affordable audio. TYFH combine a wide choice of male and female voice-overs with suitable music beds and well-crafted, informative scripts to create engaging audio solutions to assist in helping to support your business and sell your services. Specific characters and regional accents can also be introduced, and it may be that you prefer specific sounds rather than music?


Of course, as a business operator, you wouldn’t want to keep your customers ‘on-hold’ any longer than necessary, but whilst it is an unavoidable necessity, it’s also an ideal opportunity to up-sell your products and services to your ‘captive’ and targeted audience.

TYFH can also introduce voice-prompts and auto-attendance messaging to direct, pass on useful information and deal with your clients, at times when you’re not available. Everything is specifically written and produced on a bespoke basis, so you get the exact message across, right from the first engagement.

Have a listen to these examples, then please call or email. All we need is for you to point us towards your website, or brief us with a list of bullet points and we’ll supply scripts for your approval, before recording with the voice and music of your choice. All audio can then either be directly uploaded or supplied in any digital file format to meet your individual system requirements.